
Secret cards.

These are the cards I sent to Jaana, whom I got to pamper during the round of secret friends, SATCY2. All materials were received my secret friend, Ansku. / Nämä kortit matkasivat Jaanalle SATCY2-kierroksen viimeisenä lähetyksenä, kortit on tehty niistä materiaaleista, joita sain Anskulta tällä kierroksella :) Kiitos Ansku, ja kiitos kiitoksista Jaana!


No longer a secret /SATCY

My secret friend is no longer a secret. Thank you Ansku for spoiling me over the past few weeks, it was truly appreciated!

SATCY2 paljastui, Ansku onnistui pysymään salaisena vaikka kävin hullun lailla läpi Turun seudun ATC-vaihtajia :) Kiitos kivoista korteista ja tarvikkeista, joita sain viime viikkojen aikana!


Blog candy / blogikarkkia

I have this set of lovely clear stamps that I got during one of the rounds of secret friends. I love some of the stamps, but some are going unused so I'm gonna give them away. I managed to make a really bad scan of them, but bear with me, please. The stamps are unused and in prime condition (even if they look chopped up in the scan). I will throw in some bits and pieces of paper and an ATC, too. All you have to do is to leave a comment by Thursday morning (my time) and I will draw a name and post the goodies.

Ja samma på finska: Sain yhden salainen ystävä-kierroksen aikana tämän superkivan setin polymeerileimasimia, mutta ikävä kyllä osa on sellaisia, jotka eivät vain istu kortteihini :(
Siksi annan ne pois! Kuva on huono, leimasimet ovat käyttämättömiä ja ehjiä. Lisään pakettiin vielä sekalaista paperitavaraa ja tekemäni ATC-kortin. Jätä viesti torstaiaamuun mennessä ja olet mukana arvonnassa!


Term of references.

Ebba sorted and typed.

Powers of seduction.

Another ATC just for me, from materials received during the round of secret ATC friends.


Amusing vulgarities.

ATC made from materials that I've received from my secret ATC friend, SATCY2. This one I'm keeping for me :)


One, two.

6 x6 layout with Bazzill, Basic Grey and some rub-ons. I had some leftover prints of DD's b-day pics, 1st and 2nd. Look at those adorable cheeks she had when she was one!


For ATC38 at Hiekkaoliivi. The link to the pretties I got in return from Hiekkaoliivi is here.


Thank you, my secret ATC friend, SATCY2!

I have no clue who you are but the goodies you send are perfect! / Siis oikeesti, mulla ei oo aavistustakaan kuka olet, mutta aina onnistut lähettämään ihania juttuja, joten kiitos, ja pian salaisuudet selviää!

Brilliant mail days!

Gotta love the mail I've been getting over the past few days:

- from Wendy

- from Elle

- three cards from Hiekkaoliivi, Purple Mosaic, What happened? and Need a break?

- from Helmetti

- and a lovely pack of supplies and a pretty card from AnneHelena


It snowed a lot yesterday, but today there is again sunshine and it just may be spring. All this light is making me use colours I normally wouldn't use. This little ATC accompanied a "clean your stash"- swap.


From my secret ATC friend / SATCY2

More amazing goofies from my secret friend, and she had packed it all in an altered tin, too! / SATCY2 jatkuu ja tällä kertaa sain ihanassa koristelussa rasiassa nappeja, nauhoja ja haaraniittejä, sekä vanhoja kirjan sivuja ja nuotteja! Kiitos, nappipaketti :)

Let there be movement.

This child of mine is meant to swirl and dance around. Hope she stays that way.


A Bit of Silliness.

Fish on a Bike for Take Part, Fish Theme.

A Good Saturday.

Gotta love catalogue cards. Make your own here.


Goodies from secret ATC friend / SATCY2

Once again, lovely goodies from my secret ATC friend, SATCY2.

SATCY2 kierros jatkui 20 kuvan paketilla, taas kerran nappivalintoja, ja erikoiskiitos hauskasta ja opettavaisesta kortista :)


"I returned to my busy life well rested."

ATC with Basic Grey, rub-on image and a bit of text from old mag.